
Privacy policy

We protect the privacy of our customers and are responsible for ensuring that all processing of personal data takes place in accordance with the applicable law. Our customers can order through our online store either by creating an account for themselves or without, but we need certain personal information to make the transaction smooth. Here we tell you what personal data we collect, what the purpose of personal data processing is, what rights the customer has and how we act to ensure that personal data processing is safe.

This is a register and data protection statement in accordance with the Company’s Personal Data Act (Sections 10 and 24) and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. Prepared on 01.04.2020. Latest change 01.04.2020.


Company name: R-båtskydd

business ID: 3270497-7

Address: Kivikonlaita 22 halli 31 00940 HELSINKI FINLAND

Email: batskydd@gmail.com

What data do we process?

We process the following information in the online store service:
full name, address, email address and phone number
Information related to the customer, for example Customer number
Information about purchases, orders, deliveries and returns

For what purposes is your personal data processed?

We process your personal data so that we can offer you services in accordance with the terms of the contract. We use your information to manage customer relations, organize online store orders and deliveries, and maintain customer contact. Before accepting a new order, we can check that the customer has no unpaid overdue invoices from previous orders. Personal data can also be used in accounting, invoicing and auditing; for payment receipts, administrative and legal questions; in statistical and marketing analyzes aimed at improving the usability of our services, websites and websites; in the development and maintenance of our systems; and for customer surveys. We consider that we have a legitimate interest based on the customer relationship to process the information you provide so that we can offer you the services you want, respond to you in our customer service and offer you services.

Retention period

The customer’s personal data will be deleted/anonymized when they are no longer needed or unless we are obliged by law to keep the data longer. After the end of the customer relationship, we assess the need for further processing of personal data. All personal data that is no longer needed for the purposes of processing will be deleted/anonymized. We do not store personal data longer than is necessary.
We keep the personal data contained in our accounting documentation for five (5) years.

What rights do you have?

Checking information when you request access to your information.
Data correction: you have the right to have your incomplete personal data completed and also your incorrect data corrected. Data deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data from the register. Your data will be deleted if there is no longer a legal basis for the processing.
Data transfer: You have the right to receive the data you have provided to us in a machine-readable format and to transfer the data from one system to another when the processing is based on consent or an agreement and the processing is done automatically.
-Objection to processing: We can process your personal data based on a legitimate interest as part of our business after considering that the processing does not violate the protection of your personal data. In these situations, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data citing your personal reasons.
Restriction of processing: You may have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. When the processing is limited, the data controller will not, as a rule, process your data other than by storing the data. You have this right, for example, when you dispute the accuracy of your personal data, if the processing is against the law, or if you have objected to the processing of your personal data and you are waiting for a response to the relevant action request.
How you exercise your rights

How you exercise your rights

By sending us your personally signed request by letter to the address of the controller mentioned above. Mark the envelope with “data protection”. We will respond to such a request by letter. If the answer contains your personal information, we will deliver the letter as a personal registered letter. The letter cannot be acknowledged as received by anyone other than the person marked as the recipient. This is how we ensure the right recipient of the letter and the confidentiality of the information.

Register administrator and access right

Only persons who, based on their job duties, have the right to process information stored in the register have access to the data. The register is stored electronically and properly protected from outsiders with firewalls and other protective measures. Access to the register requires a personal username and password. Personal data is not transferred outside the EU or EEA area. Certain authorities also have the right to access information based on the law. Such authorities are e.g. police, customs, border guards and tax authorities.

Notice of appeal

If you believe that we do not process your personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Finland, the authority in question is the Data Protection Commissioner.

Necessary information for the register

In order to be able to offer you the services described in this brochure, we have to process necessary personal data. Such information is the information you provide when using the service.

Use of data for other purposes

We do not use the information for purposes other than those stated in this document. If new usage needs arise later, we will inform you about it and the basis for data processing. If necessary, we will ask you for your consent to the processing of personal data for new purposes.

Data Protection Officer

If you have questions about the data we process or want to exercise your rights, you should contact us. If you want to update your personal data, you can send a written request to the address below.

The processing of your personal data is handled by R-båtskydd, Kivikonlaita 22 halli 31, 00940 HELSINKI FINLAND batskydd@gmail.com. If you want to file a complaint about the processing of your personal data, you can always contact the supervisory authority: Tietosuojavaltuuttuit, PO Box 800, 00521 Helsinki

Delivery terms/Delivery time

The delivery time for our products is 5-10 working days, which are in our warehouse. In addition, there are products that must be made to order, so the delivery time is at least 7-14 working days. We always try to deliver products as soon as possible. We will contact customers as soon as possible by email or phone if we find that the delivery time exceeds the usual time or the product is no longer available.
Orders placed on weekends will not be shipped until next Monday.
If the delivery is delayed (the delivery time has expired), please contact batskydd@gmail.com.

Shipping methods and prices are available before ordering.

We strive to deliver the products you ordered on time. However, circumstances may arise that prevent us from delivering goods on time. In addition, R-båtskydd is not responsible for delays or shortages in deliveries if the order is delayed or not fulfilled due to circumstances beyond the company’s control (for example, force majeure). If for some reason beyond our control we are unable to deliver your order within 30 days of placing the order, we will notify you as soon as possible and you will then be entitled to a refund of the payment method you used.

Payment policy

We accept payments through the Paypal payment system, you can find the terms of use of the platform at the link below.


Canceling an order

The customer can cancel his order if the delivery does not take place within a reasonable time. Cancellations must be reported by email batskydd@gmail.com or by phone +358452614228. We usually inform our customers by email or phone if the delivery times differ. The boatscover.net online store also reserves the right to cancel the order and return the money to the buyer’s account.

Contact information



Kivikonlaita 22 halli 31, 00940 HELSINKI, FINLAND

